In the first Gospel Meeting of 2023, Peter Singleton (Moseley, Birmingham) recalls his testimony, of how God wondrously worked in his life, to bring him under a conviction of sin…
Reading from Matthew, Mark and John, Steven Clegg (Killamarsh) considers the events following the feeding of the 5000, as the disciples are hindered by a storm crossing the Sea of…
Reading from Matthew's Gospel, Dan Rudge (Bracknell) starts by giving a helpful outline of the first four chapters of the Gospel. He notes how through the first four chapters, the…
Testifying to his friends and family, George Pilawski goes through the waters of Baptism, in obedience to the commandments of Scripture. Commencing the meeting, the first speaker gives an explanation…
In the final webisode of the series, learn about two very different responses to the Lord Jesus Christ. Learn firstly about Mary and her outpouring of love and appreciation for…
In this weeks webisode, learn about how the Lord Jesus Christ responds when the religious men try to trip him up by asking him a trick question about taxes.