The first in a two part series looking at the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this weeks webisode, learn why the Lord Jesus Christ had to…
One of the more surprising miracles that Jesus performed was bringing people back from the dead. This shows the true power of God present in Jesus Christ. But there's a…
Another incident on the Sea of Galilee that gave Jesus' disciples justification to believe that He is the Son of God. What would you do if invited to walk on…
In this weeks webisode, we follow the Lord Jesus Christ as he feeds over 5,000 people with five small loaves and two small fishes! Watch till the end to learn…
In this weeks webisode, we attend a marriage in Cana of Galilee to learn about the first public miracle that the Lord Jesus Christ performed that showed Him to be…
We have an abundance of water on planet Earth, but not much is suitable for drinking. We all need water every day, but there's something that we need more than…
A blind man is made to walk by Jesus in John 9. He had to walk in darkness, but soon got the revelation of his life!
The way we really read text is revealed. Consider what the Bible says about itself and what Jesus says about walking in darkness. We need the light of God's word…
In the second session of the annual ministry conference, Michael Buckeridge (Grantham) takes up the subject of being 'children of God'. Considering this vital subject, the speaker reflects firstly upon…