A blind man is made to walk by Jesus in John 9. He had to walk in darkness, but soon got the revelation of his life!
The way we really read text is revealed. Consider what the Bible says about itself and what Jesus says about walking in darkness. We need the light of God's word…
Light is all around us and we use it for all sorts of things. But mostly to help us see our world around us. In this video we explore the…
With all the focus at the moment on cleaning, we take a look at what the Bible says about how we can have our sins cleansed. This is great news…
The final journey of Paul the apostle to Rome. It's an example of total devotion to serving others in gospel outreach with a little excitement of a shipwreck as well.
The Third installment in Paul's exciting journeys out from Israel into the known world with the gospel message. This time we hear about Apollos that has to have some extra…
We follow the exciting trail of the Apostle Paul across Europe as he goes out again with the Gospel Message to the wider world.
Continuing on the theme of the Apostle Paul, now looking at his exciting journeys taking the gospel message across Europe.
Another video on the Trinity this time looking at the evidence from the Bible that Jesus is the Son of God