1st April 2016

The reason for the KJV

Service Type:

Speaker: Paul Didcott | In this recording of a message originally given at Teagy Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, the speaker takes up the subject of the preservation of the Word of God. Stating the importance of the subject, the speaker quotes Psalm 11:3 and Hebrews 10:38 reflecting that if the Word of God has not been preserved, then every doctrine and principle is at stake.

The speaker then considers the preservation of the Word of God under four headings. Under his first heading, the speaker considers what the Scriptures would teach about the preservation of God’s Word. Secondly, he considers the enemy’s attack, noting that the 250+ Bible translations and the resulting confusion is all the attack of the adversary. Thirdly, the speaker considers whether man can live by every Word of God, marking the revivals that occurred under the authorised version. Finally, the speaker answers common criticism levelled against the King James Version including archaisms and ecclesiastical bias.
