18th January 2021

Tabernacle Treasures – The Vail Pillars and Silver Sockets

Passage: Numbers 3:35-37, Exodus 26:31-33
Service Type:

Bible Text: Numbers 3:35-37, Exodus 26:31-33 | Speaker: David Dalton | Series: Morning Meditations | Continuing the studies in the tabernacle, the speaker here considers two areas for which the Merarites had responsibility; the Vail Pillars, and the Silver Sockets. Reflecting firstly on the silver sockets, the speaker marks how they were made from the ‘atonement money’ of the Israelites on their leaving the land of Egypt. Noting how this would speak to us of a ‘redemptive price’, the speaker meditates upon the lovely words of 1 Peter 1:18-19 to consider our redemption ‘with the precious blood of Christ’. The speaker then considers the Vail Pillars. He suggests how the four pillars holding up the Vail could be seen representative of each of the Gospel writers presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ as King (Matthew), Servant (Mark), Man (Luke) and Son of God (John).