24th June 2021

Bible Class – Satan’s Subtle Strategy

Passage: Genesis 3:1-7, Matthew 4:1-11
Service Type:

Bible Text: Genesis 3:1-7, Matthew 4:1-11 | Speaker: Paul Didcott | Series: Bible Class | In this weeks study, the speaker considers the three key principles that Satan used to bring the world into ruin (Gen 3), to try and tempt Christ to sin (Matt 4) and which he uses today to draw people away from the truth.

He notes how in Genesis 3, Satan uses Deception, Presumption and Substitution to attack the spoken Word of God. Then, in Matthew 4, the speaker notes how Satan uses the same principles to try and attack the Incarnate Word of God. Today, the speaker marks how the same principles are used to attack the written Word of God. A practical message for believers today to help ‘stand against the wiles of the devil’ (Eph 6:11)